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Neck and Back Pain From Poor Workplace Ergonomics? Chiropractic Can Help.

Written By Skaggs Chiropractic on July 11, 2022

man with neck pain

Workplace ergonomics refers to designing a workspace specifically for the needs, functions, and comfort of the worker. Poor workplace ergonomics results in workers needing to maneuver around their work areas in such a way that their physical health suffers. This may mean that, as a worker, you are bending, twisting, lifting, or moving your body or items in a way that stresses your body.

At Skaggs Chiropractic, our experienced staff can help you create a more ergonomic environment at work and at home. If you believe that conditions in your workplace have led to neck and back pain in Joplin, give us a call.

Ergonomic Causes of Neck Pain

The most common cause of neck pain is bad posture or poor ergonomics in the work or home office. When you sit at a desk or hunched over a laptop for hours on end, or if you use a poorly designed chair, your head tilts forward in such a way that added pressure is put on the delicate structure of the cervical spine. Over time, this compresses the cervical vertebrae, leading to neck pain, stiffness, headaches, shoulder pain, and radiating or shooting pain from the neck down the arms.

Our chiropractors can evaluate your posture and workspace design, as well as perform diagnostic imaging to determine the extent of your neck injury. We can perform chiropractic adjustments to realign your cervical spine and improve your posture and mobility. We can also recommend more ergonomic solutions for your work and home environment.

Ergonomic Causes of Back Pain

Back pain, in particular lower back pain, is also often caused by poor posture in the workplace. Both sitting at a desk improperly, or having to remain on your feet for hours a day, can lead to lower back pain. Sitting at your desk with proper posture, using an ergonomic chair, utilizing a standing desk, and taking breaks to walk around and stretch your legs, can all reduce back pain at work.

Our chiropractor can make further recommendations once they have determined the exact cause of your back pain. As with neck pain, we may recommend a combination of chiropractic therapies for best results.

Schedule an Appointment for Back and Neck Pain Treatment in Joplin

At Skaggs Chiropractic, we have 26 years of experience in chiropractic therapies, and we are constantly seeking additional education. We are not a high-volume practice, so we have the time to focus on our patients individually, ensuring that each patient gets chiropractic care designed specifically for their needs and lifestyle.

If you’re interested in learning more about our neck and back pain treatments in Joplin, call us today at (417) 624-4242 or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Low Back Pain Treatment Headache Treatment Neck Pain Treatment Ergonomics